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The Importance Of A Membersheep​

To cultivate into one dimension of pleasantness. United we stand divided we fall. This is not a cult, you are apart of The Worldwide Kingdom Ministry family being led by the papa lion, Bishop-Elect Prophet Dr. Kervin Dieudonne and the mama lion, Co-seer Prophetess Melissa C. Dieudonne. The Worldwide Kingdom Ministry wants to make a lasting difference in your life, in our community, and in the world. By leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

​ OUR VISION: To lead every soul into the Kingdom of God through breaking the chains of bondage and bringing restoration to the broken through the power of Christ. To empower believers through the Word of God and the fire of the Holy Ghost.​ 


OUR MISSION: To ignite a fire around the world through bringing prophecy, healing and deliverance to every soul. To teach believers the way of the Kingdom. To preach to unbelievers about repentance through the Word of GOD.​Do you want to be a part of the herd? Please fill out the contact form below.

2480 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd Suite #5

Pompano Beach Fl, 33409


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The Worldwide Kingdom Ministry

For more information, please contact us at (561) 320-3857 or email You can also visit us at 2480 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Pompano Beach FL, 33069, Suite 5.

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