Many believers have forgotten what great revivals are like. To assemble together in the name of Jesus and encounter the Glory of God with great expectation.
This event called Glory Invasion is one of the signs that God is still moving within the church just like the days of old. Glory Invasion is an event where the Glory of God moves without reservation or limitation. Glory Invasion is “God’s Perfect Will for Man”. This event was birth out of South Florida in Fort Lauderdale by Bishop-Elect Prophet Dr. Kervin Dieudonne, Founder of The Worldwide Kingdom Ministry in Pompano Beach, FL.
The Lord has called Prophet Kervin Dieudonne into the ministry of the prophetic, healing, miracles and deliverance for over 10 years. With the assignment to minister restoration and life, people who attend these prophetic services can experience the Presence of God in awe-inspiring ways. Thousands have been healed from sickness, delivered from bondage, and have experienced deep encounters with the Holy Spirit, and have had many prophecies have come to pass. The Glory Invasion movement is being scaled into a monumental Crusade.
This Glory Invasion Crusade will be held in Lauderhill, FL at the Lauderhill Performing Art Center. We are getting ready for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has called forth an event for such a time as this. If you are believing the Lord for a miracle, for healing or to hear what the Lord is saying this season. Please click the registration link to reserve your tickets, it is a free event but we want to make proper accommodations.