Bishop-Elect Prophet Dr. Kervin Dieudonne
Bishop Elect Prophet Dr Kervin Dieudonne who is gifted in the office of the prophetic, flows in the anointing of teaching, healing, deliverance and prophecy.He is one of five children born to the late Pastor Sylvie Dieudonne and Evangelist Carmel Jean Baptiste Dieudonne. He was born in New York on October 14, 1988. He was raised in Haiti for his primary years. At the age of 5, he began to experience Angelic visitations.He returned to the states at the age of 13 due to political reasons in Haiti. He completed his middle and high school requirements and graduated with a diploma. He was an avid basketball star in high school and was beginning his career until God began to speak to him concerning the calling upon his life. He rededicated his life back to Christ and turned back to him.He served under a Man of God for 3 years, where he advanced in knowledge of the word. He led the intercessory prayers and was one of the praise and worship leaders. This grew more character and humility within him. “This made me humble. I appreciated the anointing that was upon his life.”"I thank God for the man of God that I served under. The gifts that were imparted inside of me helped me in ministry today." -Bishop Elect Prophet Dr. Kervin DieudonneThe Lord began to visit him in dreams and visions about starting his own ministry in Fort Lauderdale. After the Lord lead him to do 40 days of fasting, he did it three times . Prophet Kervin's name is synonymous with miracles , healing , signs and wonders and accurate prophecies. When he talks about the power of God, it manifests in the natural. The power in his messages change many people's lives .“I would spend hours in prayer seeking the presence of the Lord, fasting and crying to the Lord. I began to get angelic visitation and open heaven visions from the Lord . One night as I was sleeping I saw that I was in a place of dry bones and I heard the Lord say "Son of Man, prophesy over these dry bones" As I did it, I saw the bones come back to life .The Lord's commission for my life is to bring Restoration and Life to the body of Christ."God would show me dreams of me walking with the youth and adults from every nation. Setting the captives free from the oppression of the kingdom of darkness in the form of trials, tribulations, sickness, possession and many other things. That's why we are a ministry of Restoration and Life, to set the captives free.”Bishop Elect Prophet Dr. Kervin Dieudonne is married to the lovely Prophetess Melissa C. Dieudonne, who is the Co-Overseer of the ministry and praise and worship director. They serve to advance the body of Christ.Bishop Elect Prophet Dr. Kervin Dieudonne is the general overseer of The Worldwide Kingdom Ministry Inc. located in South FL.He has traveled throughout Florida, New York, Trinidad, Haiti, Bahamas, Georgia and other places, preaching the good news to the lost, proclaiming freedom to the captives and releasing the prisoners from darkness. He is the author of: The Prophetic Zone Of War, Servanthood, Preacher Guide, Cycle of Prosperity & The Mystery of the Beginnings.“A Prophet isn't known by his gift or anointing, but by his fruits.”
- Bishop Elect Prophet Kervin Dieudonne​-